0 Replies Latest reply on Nov 1, 2012 9:10 AM by ankit15

    How to make an item as selected using panelmenuitem tag


      Hi All,


      We have a situation where in we have to have a vertical hierarchy of items. I am using panelmenugroup, panelmenuitem, panelmenu tags of rich faces.


      For example:


      <item>                                   [panel menu]

      <Item1>                                 [panel menu group (collapisble)] 

           <Item a1>                         [panel menu group (collapisble)] 

                     <item x1>               [panel menu item] 

                     <item x2>





           <Item a1>                    [panel menu group (collapisble)]

                     <item x1>          [panel menu group (collapisble)]

                               <itemc1> [needs to be highlited on selection of this item]


                     <item x2>





      Iam doing as above for achieving the hierarchical structure. Can you please help me in with the bold item where in I have to make <itemc1> as selected item when I click over it and it performs certain action.


      I am able to achieve using panel meu where in we can use the attribute selectedChild. But I am unable to get within panel menu group..


      Hope, to get the reply


