3 Replies Latest reply on Nov 29, 2012 8:19 AM by tomjenkinson

    Configuring arjuna transactions


      I'm using narajana-jta-5.0.0.M1 library(jar) in my project. Not whole jboss server only this library for transactions. I would like to make my own configuraion file for transactions. For example to change ObjectStore folder. It's important that this config file should be outside the arjuna jar. I found out that if a set -Dcom.arjuna.ats.arjuna.common.propertiesFile to my config file everything should work. I've added this and made my own configuration file. In debug a see that file is read and I'll get my new properties from this file. there are going to initialize and I see how the new ObjectStrore appeares. But in next steps it's gone and chenged to default objectStore folder. So as I can understand properties are overwritten. P.S. My config file lokks the same as one in arjuna jar. Named jbossts-properties.xml Only one line is different: \MyStore.

      Need help in using my own configuration file or maybe explaining my mistake.