3 Replies Latest reply on Nov 9, 2012 5:01 AM by inspector

    JBoss AS 7 configuration management


      Hi everybody,


      We would like to improve the way we manage our configurations. We are looking for a mechanism that manages the configuration of the AS within our build and test process. It should be fully automatic so than we can use it for multiple things

      • build complete preconfigured AS distributions with our application already deployed
      • manage the configuration for integration tests, maybe test with different configurations
      • manage the configuration for local testing on the developers machine


      By now we simply have a standalone.xml containing all our configuration which is copied into a fresh AS 7 distribution. We are not so happy with this solution because

      • the standalone.xml is full of standard configuration we don't really want to see
      • migrating to a new JBoss version can be a tedious task, at least the version numbers of the subsystems change but you also have to check for more changes in subsystems for which you just want to use a default configuration
      • the standalone.xml is a rather big file which makes it quite unhandy

      Another thing we realize by having different versions of the configuration project is to have different flavours of the configuration e. g. for development, production, staging, etc.


      How do you manage your configurations? How do you integrate the process into maven and arquillian? Is there a cool feature we missed?


      Thanks in advance!