1. Re: Access EJB3 deployed on JBoss 5 from JBoss 7
wdfink Nov 16, 2012 5:09 PM (in response to jangalinski)You must set a dependency to the AS5 client module to load it.
And I suppose ou have to exclude some of the AS7 modules (ejb-client) to get this to work.
2. Re: Access EJB3 deployed on JBoss 5 from JBoss 7
wangjifeng Dec 20, 2012 9:15 PM (in response to wdfink)Can you describe in detail how to implement this method?
3. Re: Access EJB3 deployed on JBoss 5 from JBoss 7
wdfink Dec 21, 2012 12:11 PM (in response to wangjifeng)You might add the jbossall-clinet.jar as a modul in AS7.
The application need to set a dependency to it and exclude the AS7 ejb-client module.
To see how you can do it look to this documentation.
4. Re: Access EJB3 deployed on JBoss 5 from JBoss 7
jangalinski Jan 8, 2013 2:58 AM (in response to wdfink)Sorry Wolf-Dieter, but this is not helpful at all. First of all: there is no "jbossall-client" for AS5.x, its a bunch of jars that has to be collected carefully.
Do you have a running example project where a JEE6 Service deployed on AS7 connects via remote/RMI to a JEE5 Service depleoyed on AS5? Can you provide a specific module configuration and dependency setup?
5. Re: Access EJB3 deployed on JBoss 5 from JBoss 7
wdfink Jan 8, 2013 4:18 AM (in response to jangalinski)No, I have no running example.
But to create a module is simple. Copy all necessary libraries into one module directory, i.e. org.jboss.as5.client.main and create a module.xml
Add all the jars as an element to <resources>
<resource-root path="XYZ.jar"/>
The dependency can be set via MANIFEST or jboss-structure.xml, see the classloading documentation.