0 Replies Latest reply on Nov 12, 2012 8:02 AM by g-gabber

    Arquillian JBoss 7.1 managed with JaCoCo




      I have problems with Code Coverage, using arquillian-coverage-tests-reported-with-sonar-howto tutorial I configured my pom.xml file(see attachment).

      When I build my project with maven

      mvn install sonar:sonar  -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true -s settings.xml -Dsonar.jacoco.itReportPath="project-test/target/jacoco.exec"


      there is a jacoco.exec file in target generated, but sonar shows "0% Integration tests coverage".


      Im view the jacoco java agent is not attached to managed jboss in boot.log(see attachment).


      Any idea how to solve this problem, thanks in advance.