0 Replies Latest reply on Dec 3, 2012 6:01 AM by anishantony

    Setup Access permission to all LDAP Users



      I integrate Active directory connection in my Gatein (3.2). In Idm-configuration.xml file i setup the Group type mapping just like follows





      But after the successfull AD (Active Drectory) integration with Gatein i can find out that there is some sub Groups in inside Group1. like Group1, Group2, Group3.... etc. And the users of AD are arranged inside each groups.


      For example:









      Ok, Lets come to my problem....


      In pages.xml, portal.xml i need to configure the access permission to all users inside Group1 (Including users inside Group2, Group3....etc). How its possible?


      Is it possble to setup access-permission like this (I tried but failed):-



      Also i need to set up GroupName parameter in  common-configuration.xml. I have tried the following format but it fails


      <collection type="java.util.ArrayList"



                                      <object type="org.exoplatform.web.login.redirect.MappingParam">

                                          <field name="groupName">



                                          <field name="loginURL">



                                          <field name="logoutURL">









                     Anish Antony