0 Replies Latest reply on Dec 6, 2012 8:14 PM by joe_manjiyil

    Richfaces picklist not reflecting the values from backing bean, after loading.


      Hi All,


      I am using the richfaces 4.2.3 final version in JSF project. I am having an issue in showing the values from model.

      When the initial page load happens all the items on the left hand side are pre-populated on the right side of the picklist.When an item is added or removed from the r.h.s to l.h.s the values in the list change based on some calculation. The backing bean is getting updated correctly.

      But the problem is the values which are shown in the user interface are still the old values.

      I already tried rendering the picklist on the addItems and removeItems event,also the click event on picklist, but the problem is when the picklist is rendered the selected list becomes empty and the selected values are moved back to the left side of the picklist. Even after ajax rendering the picklist, the values from the model are still not showing up.


      Is it like, once the list is bound to the picklist, any change in the values are not reflected in the UI? Please help me out to find a way to display the latest values from model in the view (UI).



      <rich:pickList id="groupPicklist"
                                  value="#{cEvent.lstSelectGroupOperator}" var="group"
                                  listWidth="auto" listHeight="200px" ondblclick="groupDoubleClicked()"
                                  removeAllControlLabel="Remove All" copyAllControlLabel="Add All"
                                  showButtonsLabel="false" rendered="#{cEvent.rSelection eq 'group'}">
                                  <!-- This event is for listening to the picklist values changed between left and right side -->
                                  <f:ajax event="click"
                                      listener="#{cEvent.richPickListvalueChanged}" execute="@this"
                                      render=":picklistPanel" />                            
                                  <f:selectItems value="#{cEvent.lstGroupOperator}" />
                                  <f:converter binding="#{GroupConverter}"