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1. Re: Seam-Mail 3.1. and pom dependency problem
mechtatel Feb 21, 2013 7:15 PM (in response to ruenagel_frank)Hi,
I also have related problem
It's a bit confusing how to be configured mail 3.1.1, what is the proper way??
2. Re: Seam-Mail 3.1. and pom dependency problem
nathandennis Feb 22, 2013 8:32 AM (in response to ruenagel_frank)1 of 1 people found this helpfulnot to throw seam-mail 3 under the bus or anything because version 2 was great, but the truth is they didnt make it much easier than straigh java mail api. i had so many problems with context and the templating not being bundled i eventially just cut seam-mail out of my javaee6 probjects. it would be nice to see a working example with 3.1.1.Final but truth is they arent working on this stuff anymore.