1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 21, 2012 4:18 PM by jfuerth

    How To Start With A Blank Errai Project


      After several weeks of fussing with my hello-world errai code without any success (thanks to Deffered Bing Error https://community.jboss.org/thread/214319?tstart=0), I decideed to go the maven way (have never used maven before) with the new JBoss Developer Studion 6. I was able to create and run the kitchensink errai sample app, but my issue now is that I need to creat a blank errai project and start coding. The GWT Web Project "button" on the JBoss Central screen keeps putting the kitchensink code into whatever GWT/Errai project I create, and deleting the Java files (so I can have a blank project) results in errors because the project is stiil looking for KitchenSink files.  Please can somobody give steps on how to use the new JBoss Developer Studio 6 to start a fresh GWT/Errai project with special interests for those new to maven (and mybe GIT too)


      1. How to start a blank Errai project
      2. What GWT/Errai modules  to add
      3. Where to place ErraiApp.properties and why
      4. What goes into web.xml
      5. How to code a basic entry-point class to display a simple GWT alert
      6. How to run GWT Dev mode



      Please can anybody help with this , am freaking out already!! Thanks in advance..