1. Re: getting java.lang.VerifyError once I set a local variable in hibernate
msulliv1 Dec 20, 2012 11:53 AM (in response to msulliv1)Sorry I meant to say I used the reference to thread/215034 to follow some of the instructions there in decompiling the code to look for possible answers to why the code is getting java.lang.VerifyError.
2. Re: getting java.lang.VerifyError once I set a local variable in hibernate
adinn Dec 20, 2012 6:39 PM (in response to msulliv1)Hi Mike,
Thanks for posting this error and all the supporting information needed to diagnose it.
I think there something wrong in the generation of the injected code. Here is what gets injected into method bindClass:
333: astore 9
335: ldc_w #457; //String bind to table persistence binding_0
338: aconst_null
339: iconst_1
340: anewarray #4; //class java/lang/Object
343: dup_x2
344: dup
345: iconst_0
346: aload 9
348: aastore
349: invokestatic #463; //Method org/jboss/byteman/rule/Rule.execute:(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)V
352: iconst_0
353: aaload
354: checkcast #2; //class org/hibernate/cfg/AnnotationBinder
357: astore 9
359: aload 15
361: invokeinterface #470, 1; //InterfaceMethod javax/persistence/Table.schema:()Ljava/lang/String;
Line 333 is the write to table (local var slot 9) which is a String. Line 359 is the subsequent fetch of the schema from tabAnn (local var slot 15). The injected code lies between these two instructions, just after table is written. Lines 335 to 340 stack the rule key "bind to table persistence binding_0", a null target for the method call (which means bindClass must be a static method) and an args array containing all locals/parameters referenced in the rule. In this case the args array will only contain one value, the String table in slot 9. Lines 339/40 create the array with size 1 sitting above the key and null value.
Line 343 duplicates the args array below the key and null value -- this copy is used later to update the local variable -- leaving the original array on top. So, we have on the stack [ ... args:Object[], key:String, null:Object, args:Object[] ]. Lines 344 to 348 copy the array at the top of the stack and then install the table name into it at offset 0 -- n.b. the aastore pops the copy of the array, leaving the stack as before with the previous 4 values.
The invokestatic at line 349 enters the rule engine, running the rule and popping the top 3 arguments so that at return the stack only contains the args array.
Lines 352/3 access element 0 of the array. This is because the rule engine uses the array passed in by the client to return updated values for any variables written by the rule. So, these two lines reads the new String value for table out of the object array at offset 0. Before this can be installed inlocal var slot 9 it must be cast to a String -- remember the args array is an Object[]. Instead it is being cast to an AnnotationBinder. I believe this is what causes the verify error.
I am not yet sure what is going wrong but clearly the problem is that the code which plants the checkcast is misidentifying the type of the value in slot 0 of the array.
I am afraid I am on holiday at the moment so I will not be able to look at this in more detail until early January. However I would like to thank you very much for providing me with this example and all the relevant information needed to identify where the problem lies. I'll reply again in the new year when I find out more about this.
Andrew Dinn
3. Re: getting java.lang.VerifyError once I set a local variable in hibernate
msulliv1 Dec 21, 2012 11:05 AM (in response to adinn)Thanks Andrew. The issue is not pressing. It can wait. Have a good holiday!