1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 31, 2012 2:20 AM by nickarls

    Log4J SocketAppender




      I need to use a SocketAppender the Log4J in my application. The idea is that the logs are printed on a popup window to assist in tracking some processing to be executed.


      SocketAppender configured the log4j.properties in my application, but I'm getting a Bad Request when I read the input stream of the Socket.


      Briefly, I believe that to solve the problem I need to configure the JBoss Log4JSocketServer. In versions prior to AS 7 that was done by setting an MBean (https://community.jboss.org/wiki/Log4jSocketServer), but now no longer exists the possibility to configure MBeans, correct? What would be the way to configure the Log4JSocketServer in JBossAS 7?


      My log4j.properties config:


      log4j.appender.SocketSisOut org.apache.log4j.net.SocketAppender


      log4j.appender.SocketSisOut.port 12345

      log4j.appender.SocketSisOut.locationInfo true



      Thank you for your help!