5 Replies Latest reply on Nov 12, 2002 12:31 PM by arnaudjamin

    CMP2 relation : java.lang.ClassCastException


      Hello, using Jboss-3.0.3 with Xdoclet-1.1.2, I've 2 EntityBean :
      - ProjectBean
      - UserBean

      A project must be directed by a User called a director.
      So i've a relation between my Beans.

      Here is the relation in the side of the ProjectBean :

      * @ejb:interface-method view-type="remote"
      * @ejb.relation name="director-project" role-name="project-has-director"
      * @jboss.relation-mapping style="foreign-key"
      * @jboss.relation fk-constraint="true" fk-column="director_fk" related-pk-field="id"
      public abstract User getDirector();
      public abstract void setDirector(User director);

      And here is the relation in the side of the UserBean:

      * @ejb.interface-method view-type="remote"
      * @ejb.relation name="director-project" role-name="director-has-project"
      * @jboss.relation-mapping style="foreign-key"
      public abstract java.util.Collection getDirectedProjects();
      public abstract void setDirectedProjects(java.util.Collection);

      Finaly, here are my Project's ejbCreate and ejbPostCreate methods:

      public ProjectPK ejbCreate(ProjectData pProject, User director) throws ....

      public void ejbPostCreate(ProjectData pProject, User director)
      Debug.print("ProjectBean ejbPostCreate");
      Debug.print("ProjectBean ejbPostCreate end");

      Well, just after the "ProjectBean ejbPostCreate" debug, I get the following expection :

      ERROR [LogInterceptor] TransactionRolledbackException, causedBy:
      java.lang.ClassCastException: $Proxy113

      So I guess i'm doing wrong, but i don't know where.
      If anyone has an idea, or an exemple.


        • 1. Re: CMP2 relation : java.lang.ClassCastException

          I'm guessing from the information you've supplied that User is the remote interface for your UserBean. If so it won't work as CMR requires you use the local interface.

          • 2. Re: CMP2 relation : java.lang.ClassCastException

            Thanks, I'll look at the local interface.
            What I don't understand is why the Jboss PDF documentation show this example :

            public abstract class OrganizationBean implements EntityBean {
            public abstract Set getMemberGangsters();
            public abstract void setMemberGangsters(Set gangsters);

            public abstract class GangsterBean implements EntityBean {

            public abstract Organization getOrganization();
            public abstract void setOrganization(Organization org

            Should it be :

            public abstract class OrganizationBean implements EntityBean {
            public abstract Set getMemberGangsters();
            public abstract void setMemberGangsters(Set gangsters);

            public abstract class GangsterBean implements EntityBean {
            public abstract OrganizationLocal getOrganization();
            public abstract void setOrganization(OrganizationLocal org);


            • 3. Re: CMP2 relation : java.lang.ClassCastException

              Thanks for the answer.

              It seems to work fine, but now i'm mixing the use of "localHome" and "RemoteHome".

              So I just like to know why is the use of remoteHome since you can use LocalHome.

              When should I use the remoteHome and when should i use the LocalHome?

              (I hope my question is just not too stupid)

              Thanks again.

              • 4. Re: CMP2 relation : java.lang.ClassCastException

                The examples define Organization as a local interface - it's just xdoclet's convention to use X for remote and XLocal for local.

                The spec restricts CMR to local interfaces to restrict CMP implementation to a single container - if it didn't the persistence manager would need to be interoperable between VMs (and vendors) which is probably unnecessary complexity.

                I try and use local interfaces wherever I can - basically wherever I don't anticipate needing remote invocation. Check out the Session Facade pattern. Your mileage may vary - there's no one answer here.

                • 5. Re: CMP2 relation : java.lang.ClassCastException

                  Thank you very much for your help.