0 Replies Latest reply on Feb 1, 2013 9:19 AM by techsjs2012

    Using CLI how do I add JDBC Module, Driver and JNDI mapping


      Using CLI how do I add JDBC Module, Driver and JNDI mapping.


      Below is my script and it looks like everything works but the line that does the "module add"


      if I comment out that line and move the JDBC driver into modules by hand it works but I would like to get the "module add" line working


      Below is my script


      # this is my add script



      module add --name=com.mysql.jdbc --resources=\/home\/jsmith\/tmp\/mysql-connector-java-5.1.21.jar --dependencies=javax.api,javax.transaction.api




      data-source enable --name=mysql


      Here is the error I am getting:

      Unexpected command 'module add --name=com.mysql.jdbc --resources=\/home\/jsmith\/tmp\/mysql-connector-java-5.1.21.jar --dependencies=javax.api,javax.transaction.api'. Type 'help --commands' for the list of supported commands

