0 Replies Latest reply on Mar 12, 2013 3:29 AM by maheshbabujammula

    <rich:suggestionbox is moving with parent page.


      Hi this is an issue no one in our team cant resolve it.

      In model panel there is a h:inputText with suggestionbox.when type a letter in input text then suggestionbox shows related data its okay

      but the problem is when doing scrollbar down or up the suggestion box is also moving.


      What is expected:suggestionbox should be with h:inputtext box.


      sysntax what we used is here:


      <h:inputText id="rivalname" style="width:254px; height:40px;padding-top:5px;" styleClass="lblgray12px" value="#{DraftZoneBean.rivalName}" binding="#{DraftZoneBean.rivalBindingName}" onclick="clickclear(this, 'Search for a User')"

                                                          onblur="clickrecall(this,'Search for a User')"></h:inputText>

                                                      <rich:suggestionbox frame="border"  zindex="3000" id="rivalnameSuggestion" for="rivalname" tokens="," suggestionAction="#{DraftZoneBean.rivalNameAutocomplete}" var="result" fetchValue="#{result.userName}" immediate="true" minChars="0" shadowOpacity="4" border="1" width="350"

                                                          height="100" shadowDepth="5" cellpadding="2" nothingLabel="" usingSuggestObjects="true">


                                                              <h:outputText value="#{result.userName}" styleClass="normalFontClass" />



                                                              <h:outputText value="#{result.email}" styleClass="normalFontClass" />


                                                          <a4j:support event="onselect">

                                                              <f:setPropertyActionListener value="#{result}" target="#{DraftZoneBean.selectedUser}" />

