I have written one business rule like following in my drl:
package ruleTest
import com.test.model.ErrorInfo
declare ErrorInfo
rule "Disk Capacity Threshold Error Rule"
Number( $totalDiskErrors:intValue,intValue == 5)
from accumulate($errorCount: ErrorInfo(errorCode=="00000011") over window:time(60s)
from entry-point diskErrorEntryPoint,count($errorCount))
System.out.println("Disk Capacity Threshold Error Rule - Has passed");
ErrorInfo is my fact which I have defined it to be of type event. In my application, if many event comes having errorCode field's value as "00000011" & count of those events has reached 5 over a window size of 60s then print statement action should be carried out.This piece of rule is working properly.
Now, I want to achieve same thing using Guvnor wherein I can define my business rule. I tried creating fact Number & business rule for it but some how it is not working. I am not getting any errors also. I have attached images of my business rule & source of it.
So I have following doubts
1. How would I create new fact Number? Is it available in guvnor by default?
2. How to bind the result of accumulate with this fact Number?
If anyone knows about this, please do reply.
Could anyone reply on this?