I am using Jboss5.1 and I have a EAR1 deployed which has a EJB3 component implemented using @Stateless annotation and the same EJB is also exposed as webservice using the annotation @webservice.
I want to check through a EJB service/management service bean(Packaged in another EAR2) from the start of deployment to un-deployment of EAR1 PERIODICALLY, if the EJB and Webservice is deployed and running properly and working normally and is not in deadlock/non responsive state.
I have looked into JMX and I am able to get notifications of create and destroy for EJB as well as webservice, but how to check periodically whether the EJB and webservice is working normally and is not in deadlock/non responsive state? Also how to monitor Jboss ESB services?
Is the JMX is the only way or does jboss provides any other API's to do monitoring how about JBOSS MONITORING Thanks in advance.