4 Replies Latest reply on Mar 21, 2013 9:59 AM by eric.wittmann

    "mvn release" to S-RAMP - multiple artifacts


      When we do a 'mvn release' to S-RAMP, we should recommend to use plugins like the source and javadoc plugin etc to upload these type of supporting documentation in one go. Maybe we can upload them in a holding area (not in s-ramp), where we have 'client side' code that will do the actual insertion into the repository, but this client side code is smart enough to add relationships between the artifacts: Here are the interfaces; but if you follow this link, then here is the src and javadoc. Or would these smarts live in the S-RAMPWagon codebase?

        • 1. Re: "mvn release" to S-RAMP - multiple artifacts

          I like the idea of being able to capture javadocs and source at the same time as uploading the binary artifacts. However as they would be (as you say) classified as "supporting documentation", then wouldn't they be best placed into s-ramp rather than a holding area? So they are just treated as a 'documentation' artifact with suitable relationships to the associated binary artifact.

          • 2. Re: "mvn release" to S-RAMP - multiple artifacts

            Yes they should all end up in S-RAMP. The issue is that there is no logical construct in S-RAMP for it to figure out these artifacts are related. Hence my 'holding area' idea where our client code can figure this out before we load them into S-RAMP. The question really is; should this be functionality of a UI, the cmdline tool, the S-RAMP wagon or maybe should it be an extension to the S-RAMP server. I'm thinking the Wagon might be good place if we view this as a maven integration feature.

            • 3. Re: "mvn release" to S-RAMP - multiple artifacts

              Kurt Stam wrote:


              I'm thinking the Wagon might be good place if we view this as a maven integration feature.


              • 4. Re: "mvn release" to S-RAMP - multiple artifacts

                Yes, I have some changes planned for the maven wagon that would make this pretty easy.    Currently the wagon uploads each artifact as it is requested to do so.  Instead, I'm thinking that we can have the Wagon build up an s-ramp archive instead, and then upload that final archive at the end, when the wagon is asked to close the connection.  I'll need to do some testing to very where the "open connection" and "close connection" events happen in Maven.  But if it's done at the start/end of a build, then we can do all sorts of interesting stuff to the S-RAMP archive prior to uploading it.