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2. Re: How to enable/disable audit on a single property at runtime?
bolek Apr 2, 2013 9:55 AM (in response to adamw)I'm assuming that you're suggesting inspecting events to determine whether attributes that I'm currently auditing have actually changed, aren't you?
Yes, I can do that. But that's basically duplicating Envers' code. If I remove (or add) property name to configuration like I described above I don't need to manually inspect objects' changes any more.
Please clarify if I misunderstood you.
3. Re: How to enable/disable audit on a single property at runtime?
adamw Apr 2, 2013 4:16 PM (in response to bolek)Yes, though I don't know how much flexibility you exactly need and how much Envers code you would need to duplicate (for simple properties, it wouldn't be much).
There are no other extension points currently.