2 Replies Latest reply on Jul 26, 2013 1:20 AM by gopinathreddy

    rich:fileUpload - h:commandButton action does not fire after a file is uploaded


      Hi All,

      Good Day


      I'm using the richfaces 4.2 and JSF2 for my project and facing the below problem.


      Once file is uploaded successfully and if I perform any action like <h:commandButton> there page / screen just refreshes and its not calling the my Managed Bean as well as values in the screen are removed.


      Below are the code snippet and I'm using the IE8. This is working fine if its Compatabilty mode but I dont want to run in Compatability mode.I tried keeping the rich:fileUpload component in <a4j:region> but no use.



      <rich:fileUpload fileUploadListener="#{fileUploadBean.listener}" id="upload" acceptedTypes="jpg, gif, png, bmp" 

      ontyperejected="alert('Only JPG, GIF, PNG and BMP files are accepted');" maxFilesQuantity="1">




      Please help us on this , we are struggling from couple of the weeks.


      Thanks In advance.

      Gopinath Reddy