1. Re: JBOSS AS 7.1.1 apache cxf 2.4.6 ws-security tokens
asoldano Apr 18, 2013 3:49 PM (in response to crumbs)You don't need a STS for the examples mentioned on the page above. I suggest having a look at the corresponding examples included in the binary distro, try running the testcases, etc.
2. Re: JBOSS AS 7.1.1 apache cxf 2.4.6 ws-security tokens
crumbs Apr 19, 2013 5:23 AM (in response to asoldano)Thanks so much, Alessio.
I could not figure out where the particular error is coming from. There was no reference to http in the policy.://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-securitypolicy/200702
There could be something wrong with the policy. So I abandoned the policy approach and switched to the wss4jInterceptors approach and the signing is working now.
Is the STS required for SAML tokens? Still using JBOSS 7.1.1 and cxf 2.4.6
Thanks again,
3. Re: JBOSS AS 7.1.1 apache cxf 2.4.6 ws-security tokens
asoldano Apr 30, 2013 12:25 PM (in response to crumbs)1 of 1 people found this helpfulIt really depends on how you get access to the SAML tokens. Using STS is *a* way for getting them.
4. Re: JBOSS AS 7.1.1 apache cxf 2.4.6 ws-security tokens
crumbs May 1, 2013 9:34 AM (in response to asoldano)Thanks, Alessio.
I moved to JBoss 7.2 and used the SamlCallbackHandler to create a SAML token.
I also got the policy approach to work. So it is all good now.
Except that the SAML assertion is not getting signed:-)
Timestamp, and body are getting signed, as per my policy. But the saml:Assertion which needs to be signed as well, is getting left out of the signature block.
5. Re: JBOSS AS 7.1.1 apache cxf 2.4.6 ws-security tokens
crumbs May 1, 2013 12:08 PM (in response to crumbs)The saml assertion has a signature inside the saml assertion. In addition to this, the saml assertion needs to be signed as well, and should be referenced in the Signature block of the header. The second part is what is not happening.
6. Re: JBOSS AS 7.1.1 apache cxf 2.4.6 ws-security tokens
crumbs May 1, 2013 4:15 PM (in response to crumbs)The signed parts policy looks kind of like this:
. ......................BinarySecurityToken
<--There is also one for SOAP 1.2>
The Body, Timestamp, and BinarySecurityToken are getting signed. But not the saml:Assertion.
7. Re: JBOSS AS 7.1.1 apache cxf 2.4.6 ws-security tokens
asoldano May 2, 2013 9:43 AM (in response to crumbs)I believe xpath references in SignedElements assertions are not expected to work with elements that are actually added by cxf/wss4j itself in the wsse:Security header. The fact you want the SAML token to be signed should come from the effective policy. Can you paste your actual policy? Is the SAML token specified in there within e.g. a *Signed*SupportingToken? Consider having a look at this page http://coheigea.blogspot.it/2011/04/saml-support-in-cxf-240.html which might be of some help.
8. Re: JBOSS AS 7.1.1 apache cxf 2.4.6 ws-security tokens
crumbs May 2, 2013 3:29 PM (in response to asoldano)Alessio,
I looked at the link you sent.
I don't have internet at my workstation so I will try to reproduce the policy outline here.
<Policy HolderOfKey>
</Policy HolderOfKey>
This might only account for the signature within the saml assertion block. Looks like the authors of the policy meant for the saml to be signed externally using the xpath reference in the signed elements policy.
9. Re: JBOSS AS 7.1.1 apache cxf 2.4.6 ws-security tokens
crumbs May 3, 2013 11:45 AM (in response to crumbs)http://coheigea.blogspot.it/2011/04/saml-support-in-cxf-240.html
In the "DoubleItSaml2AsymmetricPolicy" example:
"One thing to note is that as the SAML Assertion has a subject confirmation method of "sender-vouches", the client will automatically add the quality-of-service requirement that the signature which covers the SOAP Body will also cover the SAML Assertion."
In the policy my client code is following, the confirmation method is "holder of key".
Also, in my service provider's policy, the initiator token is the saml token, the signedsupportingtoken is the X.509 token, and they are expecting the saml to be signed via signed elements policy fragment for the inputs.
I am trying to see if I can tweak the effective policy to also sign the saml assertion.
<Policy HolderOfKey>
If I change this to a saml token, I see a nullPointerException from AsymmetricBindingHandler.doSignature(.....)
</Policy HolderOfKey>
Or perhaps use an interceptor to sign the saml. But it appears that using Wss4jInterceptors and jbossws-cxf at the same time may be problematic.
10. Re: JBOSS AS 7.1.1 apache cxf 2.4.6 ws-security tokens
crumbs May 8, 2013 7:50 PM (in response to crumbs)Regarding Saml HOK assertion not being signed in JBoss 7.2:
I see this warning
WARNING: No assertion builder for type ...ProtectTokens registered
Could this be causing the Saml assertion to not be signed?