0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 14, 2013 8:06 AM by inkimannen

    EJB and a remote Client ( on another machine ) , using JNDI


      Hi !


      Wanting to create an Application project: A EJB-Module and a WEB-module.

      I want to depoy these on two different machine ( running Ubuntu on one, running Mint on the other).

      So it is about a remote client connection to a EJB-server.

      Running on Jboss6 ( Since it integrates with Netbeans 7.3 )


      web: Deploying a servlet in server-1.

      ejb: Deploying an ejb in server-2.


      I would like the coupling to be louse.


      The EJB-project has 2-classes: CapitalBean and CapitalBeanRemote.



      public class CapitalBean implements CapitalBeanRemote {


      The Web-project has 1 servlet.

      CapitalBeanRemote bean = (CapitalBeanRemote) ic.lookup("java:global/CountryEnterpriseEJB/CapitalBean");



      How can I see that the JNDI is correct on the EJB-Server ?

      Where is the JNDI-setup in JBoss ?

      Can anyone point me to a good tutorial.


      Regards, Ingimar