I have a Jboss 7.1 cluster with two nodes and a domain server on three hosts.
I am trying to load the JConsole on the first node to monitor memory consumption.
I successfully connected with remoting-jmx on port 9999 and accessed a JConsole on something.
However it seems I am not connected to the proper java process.
When looking with task manager at java processes on the node host, I see 2 java processes, one that is the one I am connected to with the JConsole, and the other, with more memory allocated, that seems to be handling requests since it is the one that is consuming CPU when I load the cluster with JMeter.
I cannot access the nodes java processes with local process jconsole connections (don't know why) and do not seem to be able to connect to the proper java process with remoting-jmx.
Am I missing something ?