1. Re: JBoss 7.2 exception The https URL hostname does not match the Common Name (CN) on the server certificate.
asoldano May 8, 2013 5:51 AM (in response to crumbs)Is the jbossws-cxf integration actually being used on client side? If that's the case, the org.jboss.security.ignoreHttpsHost being set to true should really "solve" the problem. Otherwise, setting tlsParams.setDisableCNCheck(true); programmatically might not help if the problem is during WSDL retrieval (see the discussion at https://community.jboss.org/message/811221#811221 on this).
2. Re: JBoss 7.2 exception The https URL hostname does not match the Common Name (CN) on the server certificate.
crumbs May 8, 2013 6:24 AM (in response to asoldano)Yes, the jbossws-cxf integration is being used on the client side. The wsdl is local, within the client war file.
It is only when System.setProperty("org.jboss.security.ignoreHttpsHost", "true") did not seem to work that I added the tlsParams.setDisableCNCheck(true) code.
The service is https enabled. The client is not. It is when the client is making a call that this is happening. Service.create(), getPort() and all works.
This was working in Jboss 7.1.1 and 7.1.3. So I was just wondering if I missed some configuration in Jboss 7.2
Thanks so much.
3. Re: JBoss 7.2 exception The https URL hostname does not match the Common Name (CN) on the server certificate.
yan.langlois Oct 3, 2013 6:50 AM (in response to crumbs)I have the same problem.
org.jboss.security.ignoreHttpsHost does not seem to work on JBoss 7.2.
Have you found a solotion to your problem ?
4. Re: JBoss 7.2 exception The https URL hostname does not match the Common Name (CN) on the server certificate.
crumbs Mar 12, 2014 12:14 PM (in response to yan.langlois)Yan,Unfortunately, no.
Neither of these worked for me.
System.setProperty("org.jboss.security.ignoreHttpsHost", "true");
In standalone.conf:
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dorg.jboss.security.ignoreHttpsHost=true"
I read somewhere that System.setProperty has random issues, it does not always work.
The JAVA_OPT solution did not work either.
I had to switch to Spring-WS because there was a bug in an underlying apache library, wss4j I think, in CXF at that time, related to SAML.
I had to implement a Spring-WS method to turn off hostname checking.
5. Re: JBoss 7.2 exception The https URL hostname does not match the Common Name (CN) on the server certificate.
eguzel Apr 1, 2014 7:46 AM (in response to crumbs)I had the same problem also. After hours of debugging i decided that is a bug in Jboss 7.2 and cxf integration. I replaced the cxf module(and also woodstox) in Jboss 7.2 with the one from Jboss 8 and it works now.