5 Replies Latest reply on Jun 7, 2013 6:51 PM by bleathem

    "TypeError: $(...).trigger is not a function" thrown in function richfaces.cleanDom




      I'm using RF 4.3.0 Final and I've faced a problem with richfaces.js/richfaces.cleanDom function. This function is called successfully many times in our application, however in few cases an exception in Firebug is thrown in line 137: $(e).trigger("beforeDomClean" + ".RICH");

      "e" element ist set to 'body'; at least that says Firebug.


      I've several questions related to this issue:

      1. What could be the reason of this behaviour?

      2. Could I override mentioned function only for particular webpages without changing the JAR file? I.e. with a script attached to page.


      Thanks in advance for help,
