2 Replies Latest reply on Jul 11, 2013 10:58 AM by florentine

    Monitoring Servlets and JDBC



      I'm new to JBoss and I am trying to get some measurement data for a research project.

      I am running JBoss 4.2.2.GA and I'm trying to understand how I can measure how much time Jboss takes to respond to a servlet request.

      In particular, I would like to measure the following:

      1. overhead time for JBoss handling the request/response.
      2. computation time for the execution of the servlet itself
      3. time spent waiting for the database query. I'm using a Hibernate/JDBC architecture.


      I saw that the web-console is giving some measures like the overall aggregated processing time and the number of requests, but I couldn't find anything about the connection to the db.



      Thanks a lot for any help and/or suggestion!

