1 Reply Latest reply on May 24, 2013 4:21 PM by bleathem

    rich:column  filterValue


      Hello to everyone. I am new to Richfaces and I have a question.


      I have a form and i submit it with this.


      <a4j:commandButton id="srchByMrnBtn"


                                                                                      action="#{inboxBean.doSearch}" style="cursor:pointer;"

                                                                                      execute="@form" render="search_output_panel" />


      I then have a data table


      <rich:dataTable id="inboxTbl" value="#{inboxBean.inboxItems}"

                                                                  style="width:100%" rendered="#{inboxBean.inboxItems ne null}"

                                                                  var="inboxItem" rowKeyVar="dataTableRowKey" rows="10"

                                                                  columnClasses="acent" rowClasses="odd-row, even-row"



      and when i submit this form with i have data to the datatable.



      I also have filtering on some rows. I search a value and it works fine.


      <rich:column id="taskName" sortBy="#{inboxItem.taskName}"





      All my logic beans are ViewScoped.





      If i resubmit my form with other value  and i fetch new data to the datatale

      then the filter seems to remember the old value and no return to null. Is there a way when i resubmit my form to set the filter value of the datatable to null.


      Thank you in advance

