1 2 Previous Next 25 Replies Latest reply on Jun 17, 2013 8:03 AM by shawkins Go to original post
      • 15. Re: Row Level Security using TEIID Designer

        Thanks Van and Ramesh for the response.


        Yes, may be I did not express my requirement correctly.


        So give you more detailed view on it.


        I want to support my project for both SQL and Oracle database (similar data strutures and only one database at a time based on some parameter)


        We also want to define row level securities for both these databases.


        Thats why we thought of implementing VDB, where we can write virtual procedures to implement row level securities which can be applicable to any database.


        Therefore I thought of having one VDB which can connected to either Oracle or SQL when execute my procedures.


        I hope I made my point clear.


        As both of you suggested, I guess I can acheive my goals as below

        - create multi-source VDB from Teiid designer

        - The I can write my queries as

        select * from table where SOURCE_NAME = 'oracle'


        I am going to try this feature.


        But VDB-> Source Binding Definition , all the check-boxes and buttons are disabled (I am using Teiid 8.3)


        Can you please let me know the solution for it




        • 16. Re: Row Level Security using TEIID Designer



          You are right, all the check boxes are disabled when the Source Binding Definition is first being viewed.  However, when I select one of the source models, the multi-souce checkbox enabled.  And then selecting the multi-source checkbox enables the "Add" button so that additional sources can be added.


          Hope that helps.



          • 17. Re: Row Level Security using TEIID Designer

            Thanks Van.


            So I have

            - Created two source models - OracleSourceModel1 (importing metadata from oracle source) and SQLSourceModel1

            - Have created multi-source VDB - having both above sources and have added column (SOURCE_NAME)

            - Now I have created a view called CommonView

            - I have created a virtual procedure on this view to access my data from either Oracle/SQL source

            - But I am not able to run my procedure the way I want.

            - Do I have to define SOURCE_NAME column on all the tables?

            - Do I have to define SOURCE_NAME as IN parameter on my virtual procedure . (For now I have defined it, else it was giving error : TEIID31118 Element "SOURCE_NAME" is not defined by any relevant group)


            My SampleProcedure



                SELECT ItemId FROM tblItems WHERE SOURCE_NAME = 'OracleSourceModel1';



            When I try to preview above procedure, it gives following error



            TEIID30504 Remote org.teiid.core.TeiidProcessingException: TEIID30504 OracleSourceModel1: 904 TEIID11008:TEIID11004 Error executing statement(s): [Prepared Values: [] SQL: SELECT g_0.ITEMID FROM "USER_XXX"."TBLITEMS" g_0 WHERE g_0.SOURCE_NAME = 'OracleSourceModel1']


            I guess I have to set following VDB properties

            multisource.addColumn property = true

            multisource.columnName = VDB Name


            But I am not sure where to set these properties in Teiid Designer?


            When I create VDB in designer, all configuration is stored in standalone-teiid.xml and no seperate VDB.xml file is generated. Is it correct ??


            Can you please let me know how can I use SOURCE_NAME in my procedure?




            • 18. Re: Row Level Security using TEIID Designer


              multisource.addColumn property = true

              multisource.columnName =  column name to be used in the sql



              These can be set in Designer, on the Source Binding Definition tab where you enabled "Multi-source and added the source models.   Click on "Add Column" and enter the "Column Alias" for the columnName.  



              When creating the VDB in Designer, the <VDBName>.vdb  file in your project will contain the vdb.xml file.   The <vdbname>.vdb is a container for all your models and the vdb.xml file.    This container is what's deployed to the server and there is nothing that needs changing in the standalone-teiid.xml configuration in order to deploy it.  Now for it to be "Active" and queryable, the vdb must have its datasource dependencies defined in the configuration.    I would recommend reading the Admin Guide (https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/teiid830final/Administrator's+Guide) in regarding deploying a VDB and its dependencies.



              • 19. Re: Row Level Security using TEIID Designer

                Thanks Van and Ramesh for your inputs till now.


                Finally I was able to achieve what I wanted.


                I have done following steps

                - Created one source model and imported metadata from Oracle

                - Created multi-source VDB with 2 data sources OracleDS and SQLServerDS

                - Created view and a virtual procedure on it

                - Manually added IN procedure parameter SOURCE_NAME to the virtual procedure


                My sample procedure is




                    SELECT SOURCE_NAME, ItemId FROM tblItems where SOURCE_NAME=sourceNameInput;



                Now when I run the procedure with OracleDS name, it gives me correct results from Oracle and similarly give me correct results when I execute it with SQLServerDS name


                But I want to modify my query to join 2 tables as below


                select distinct A.ItemId , B.UserRole from dbo.tblItems A inner Join tblUserSecurity B on A.RLS_ID=B.Id where UserRole='UserA';


                So if I try to specify SOURCE_NAME as mentioned below ,but it gives me error :ERROR: TEIID31118 Element "A.SOURCE_NAME" is not defined by any relevant group.


                select distinct A.ItemId , B.UserRole from dbo.tblItems A inner Join tblUserSecurity B on A.RLS_ID=B.Id where (A.SOURCENAME=sourceNameInput) AND (A.SOURCENAME=sourceNameInput) AND UserRole='UserA';


                Can you please let me know how can I resolve this.




                • 20. Re: Row Level Security using TEIID Designer



                  Can you provide your models?   Cause your message indicating A.SOURCE_NAME doesn't exist, doesn't match your sql statment, which has A.SOURCENAME.



                  • 21. Re: Row Level Security using TEIID Designer

                    > But I want to modify my query to join 2 tables as below

                    > select distinct A.ItemId , B.UserRole from dbo.tblItems A inner Join tblUserSecurity B on A.RLS_ID=B.Id where UserRole='UserA';


                    By default as long as both tables are from multisource models and use the same multisource column, then the planner will assume that the join should be partitioned by the multisource column, which is to say we implicitly treat this as:


                    select distinct A.ItemId , B.UserRole from dbo.tblItems A inner Join tblUserSecurity B on A.RLS_ID=B.Id AND A.SOURCE_NAME=B.SOURCE_NAME where UserRole='UserA'


                    which effectively should be planned as a union of joins.  It is also just fine (and generally proper) for you to add the partition joining predicate directly in your SQL as well.


                    > So if I try to specify SOURCE_NAME as mentioned below ,but it gives me error :ERROR: TEIID31118 Element "A.SOURCE_NAME" is not defined by any relevant group.


                    As Van is saying there is a mismatch in the SQL and the error message.  Assuming that the multisource column is SOURCE_NAME, then that should resolve - are you getting the exception in Designer?  Just to make sure you're predicates should look like:


                    (A.SOURCE_NAME=sourceNameInput) AND (B.SOURCE_NAME=sourceNameInput)


                    You also don't have to do this under a procedure unless you need to enforce retrieving only a single source's results at a time.  As long as you project the SOURCE_NAME column from a view on top of the join and use the A.SOURCE_NAME=B.SOURCE_NAME join predicate in your view sql - e.g. "select distinct A.ItemId , B.UserRole, A.SOURCE_NAME from dbo.tblItems A inner Join tblUserSecurity B on A.RLS_ID=B.Id AND A.SOURCE_NAME=B.SOURCE_NAME where UserRole='UserA'", then any

                    user sql against the view, such as "select * from vw where vw.SOURCE_NAME = 'x'" would return just return a single source result, but would also allow users to retrieve all results and give the planner more flexibility in optimizing which would be prevented by using a procedure.

                    • 22. Re: Row Level Security using TEIID Designer

                      Sorry Van, it was typo mistake in my comments here. I have specified as SOURCE_NAME in my procedure properly.


                      So if I use below query, it works fine (Where SOURCE_NAME is the multi-source column. I guess it is automatically added to metdata tables during runtime. I have not added this column seperately in my metadata tables). I t gives me results from both the data sources, as expected.


                      SELECT ID, USERROLE, SOURCE_NAME FROM tblUserSecurity AS A;


                      But when I query as below, it gives me exception in Teiid designer. (ERROR: TEIID31118 Element "A.SOURCE_NAME" is not defined by any relevant group.)


                      SELECT ID, USERROLE, SOURCE_NAME FROM tblUserSecurity AS A where A.SOURCE_NAME='OracleDataSource';


                      Do I have to add SOURCE_NAME in all my tables seperately?


                      Steve - My requirement is to get data from only one source at a time.




                      • 23. Re: Row Level Security using TEIID Designer

                        > So if I use below query, it works fine


                        Where exactly are you running that from? In Designer based upon the deployed vdb, against the preview vdb, etc.


                        > Do I have to add SOURCE_NAME in all my tables seperately?


                        No, all physical tables under the multi sourcemodel implicitly acquire the multisource column.  If I run the same scenario directly in Teiid it works as expected.  Where exactly and against which vdb is this being run, and Is tblUserSecurity a physical table?



                        • 24. Re: Row Level Security using TEIID Designer

                          Hello Steve,


                          I am running this query from my virtual procedure.


                          But if run the same query from Eclipse -> Teiid-> SQL Scrapbook, it gives correct results.


                          But same query is not working from the virtual procedure.


                          But if I add SOURCE_NAME column in my source model table tblUserSecurity, then it works fine.


                          So the conclusion is :


                          If we want to use multi-source column in virtual procedure and want to use as part of alias, we need to add it in source model table. So I guess its only if you want to use column name as part of alias.


                          If I use below query , I do not require to add SOURCE_NAME in my table, but I require to add as procedure IN parameter.


                          SELECT ID, USERROLE, SOURCE_NAME FROM tblUserSecurity where SOURCE_NAME='OracleDataSource';


                          Please let me know if my understanding is correct? and is it as expected?




                          • 25. Re: Row Level Security using TEIID Designer

                            > But same query is not working from the virtual procedure.


                            I'm not entirely sure what the Designer handling should be here.  If they are allowing you to mark the model as multisource and you can reference an implicit SOURCE_NAME column in anyway in your transformations, then you should also be able to reference it with an aliased table.  I have also confirmed that on the Teiid side. I'll move this thread over to Teiid Designer.


                            > If we want to use multi-source column in virtual procedure and want to use as part of alias, we need to add it in source model table


                            That's a perfectly acceptable workaround in the meantime.

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