2 Replies Latest reply on May 30, 2013 1:43 AM by nickarls

    Does the default NamingContext support NamingListener?


      Using jboss-as-7.1.1.Final


      I created a subcontext to store a set of objects:


      Context initialContext = new InitialContext();

      Context context = initialContext.createSubcontext("java:/app/objs");


      At this point I can bind and lookup just fine:


      context.bind("a",a); // can be looked up as either "java:app/objs/a" or just "a" from the subcontext


      According to the documentation if I use:


      EventContext eventContext = (EventContext)initialContext.lookup("");


      and eventContext is not null, I should be able to attach a NamingListener to get notifications.  I've tried countless permutations of where EventContext's initial context looks + where target looks, but neither the NamespaceChangeListener nor the ObjectChangeListener ever fires.


      For example:


      Given the above bind and eventContext:


      eventContext.addNamingListener("java:app/objs/a",EventContext.OBJECT_SCOPE, new ObjectChangeListener() {...


      objectChanged never fires and attaching a NamespaceChangeListener didn't fire when new objects were added.