2 Replies Latest reply on May 28, 2013 12:44 PM by damien_b

    FacesMessage wrongly saved?



      my context is Weld + JSF 2 (Mojarra 2.1.22) + RichFaces 4 + PB 3.1.2 final + GateIn 3.1 deployed on JBoss EAP 5.1 (with classloader isolation).

      The problematic page:

      - .xhtml containing several blocks (div) of (rich:messages + h:form)

      - each block is processed through a a4j:commandLink

      - the called bean adds zero or more FacesMessage during the process

      - the message is displayed in the corresponding block in the page (partial update)


      This works fine outside the portal environment.


      Inside the portal:

      - display page, click on a a4j:commandLink, message is displayed => OK

      - after that, refresh the page, or browse to the initial URL of the page : all the rich:messages of the page (including the previously updated block) display the message => KO

      - refresh again the page : now no message is displayed => expected behaviour, OK


      Trying to find the differences between not-Ajax and Ajax context with relation to the Portlet Bridge, my debugger led me to this block of code in org.jboss.portletbridge.bridge.controller.Jsf20ControllerImpl::encodeMarkupResponse :

      if (Bridge.PortletPhase.RESOURCE_PHASE == bridgeContext.getPortletRequestPhase()) {





      For the a4j:commandLink, the request is processed in a ResourcePhase, and then the FacesMessage are forcibly stored in the BridgeContext / scope, and then the messages are re-injected in the FacesContext when the page is refreshed / reloaded (and then displayed for a second time).


      Am I correct in the analysis? What would you suggest for displaying messages in that environment: avoid FacesMessage and roll our own message lifecycle when submitting forms through the Rich Faces AJAX Control


        • 1. Re: FacesMessage wrongly saved?

          This is expected behavior defined within the current Bridge spec, which fails to take into account the latest JSF usages of Ajax.


          PBR-516 has been raised to provide a way to disable that behavior.

          • 2. Re: FacesMessage wrongly saved?

            Thanks for the very quick answer. I thought I could work around the problem with a phase listener given that we use the FacesMessage with a known pattern, but the FacesContext (even Impl) doesn't allow removing manually messages.

            Another idea that I had was to try to force switching the portlet mode to EDIT during the Ajax processing in order to prevent the restoration of the FacesContext from the BridgeContext containing the messages, but I haven't fully wrapped my head around that idea