2 Replies Latest reply on Jun 6, 2013 10:52 AM by ibenjes

    rich:dataScroller not working in RF 4.3.2.Final




      I've got problems getting the dataScroller to work in 4.3.2.Final (on Jboss 7.1).


      I know that the dataScroller works in principle, I've build the showcases and there it works.


      However my project which I am currently migrating from Seam 2.2. with RF 3.3 to Seam 2.3 and RF 4.3.2 does not use maven.

      I've seen a similar problem here: https://community.jboss.org/message/798197


      In this case it was caused by the wrong guava jar which was included.

      So I took the same jars from the showcases build and put them into my ear (showcase is a war).


      I've got this (amongst other jars) in my ear


















      I don't get any error messages but when I click on the datascroller nothing happens (and yes there are multiple pages).

      The test table is quite simple


      <rich:dataTable value="#{testBean.getLocodes()}"                






                   <f:facet name="footer">





      So is there a problem with missing/wrong jars as in https://community.jboss.org/message/798197 or is there another problem here?

        • 1. Re: rich:dataScroller not working in RF 4.3.2.Final

          There is not a lot to go on here.  I'd recommend trouble shooting this from the other way around.  Start with a simple war project, with a datascroller that works.  Then slowly change the deployment and configuration to match your problematic EAR, checking after each change you make.  If you can isolate what it is that's causing your setup to not work, we can fix it.

          • 2. Re: rich:dataScroller not working in RF 4.3.2.Final

            Okay the problem was with some javascript methods called in the onclick and oncomplete. We used to use Richfaces.showModalPanel('xxx') which doesn't seem to work anymore. Changed it to #{rich:component('xxx')}.show() and now the scroller is working.