1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 3, 2013 9:22 AM by erasmomarciano

    deploy appliction as root.war in domain mode




      i have deployed a web application with root context path (/) in jboss-7.1.1-final in the standalone server directory successfully ->acces url is http://localhost:8080/ and it shows my web app login page

      and surf pages without errors.


      Basically, I have  renamed my webapp war has root.war and i disable enable-welcome-root property in standalone.xml, settings datasource using module driver for MSSQL Server (net.sourcefortge.jdts)


      But i have to deploy more than one root app in the standalone deployed directory! I would like to have different root.war (i mean different web application, not the same)deployed on different binding ports:


      examples: http://localhost:8080/  there is the root.war of webapp1, in http://localhost:8180 the root.war of webapp2 ecc. I know how to do in Jboss5, running jboss with ports parameters and have different directory in server directory as copy of default.


      How can do in Jboss 7.1.1? I begin to read domain configuration here:




      but i cant find the association ports -> server distribution/ directory?!?


      Can help me please?


      thanks in advance

