1. Re: User based dashboard and User based pages in GateIn
mposolda Jun 5, 2013 3:41 AM (in response to anishantony)Hi,
In GateIn there is user dashboard, which is visible just for one user. Each user has it's own dashboard and he can add any pages, portlets and/or gadgets as he wish.
For normal pages, you can configure permissions just for groups and roles. For example you can't configure that SiteMap page will be visible just for user "john".
2. Re: User based dashboard and User based pages in GateIn
plamarque Jun 5, 2013 3:59 AM (in response to anishantony)1 of 1 people found this helpfulAnish Antony wrote:
which means when each user login, he/she will redirected into his own configured page.
As far as I know, there is no such feature that would allow you to redirect to a personal page rather than a portal page when user logs in. However, I guess it should be fairly easy to implement using a filter.
3. Re: User based dashboard and User based pages in GateIn
mposolda Jun 5, 2013 4:12 AM (in response to plamarque)1 of 1 people found this helpfulI've implemented something similar long time ago and it's docummented on the wiki https://community.jboss.org/wiki/RedirectAUserToPageOnLoginlogoutBasedOnRole . However I did not test it for long time, not sure if it still works with latest GateIn.
Also maybe some tweaks will be needed to support redirection in a way, that each user will be redirected to his own dashboard.
4. Re: User based dashboard and User based pages in GateIn
anishantony Jun 5, 2013 5:24 AM (in response to mposolda)Thanks Marek and Patrice
I need to add user dashboard in my portal programmatically, How it is possible?
I will explain my requirements
I have a navigation in my portal when a user clicks on a navigation he/she will redirected into his user dashboard.
My current implementation is follows
In navigation.xml I configured the navigation for my portal pages in navigation.xml like '<page-reference>portal::abc::dashboard</page-reference>' format. Is it possible to configure the user dashboard like this format?. Or is there is any GateIn service class available for this implementation
Anish Antony