0 Replies Latest reply on Jun 7, 2013 5:13 PM by rhauch

    ModeShape 3.3.0.Final is available


      Cross posted from our blog.


      We’re happy to announce that ModeShape 3.3.0.Final is now available..


      This release contains most bug fixes, but does include two excellent new features that were contributed by folks from the Fedora Futures team. ModeShape now has a chaining binary store that can sit atop several other binary stores, allowing client applications to create new binary values and specify in which of the binary stores it should be stored. Our connector framework now supports generating events so that changes made by outside systems can be propagated into ModeShape. (We’ve not yet enhanced our connectors to use this new feature.)


      Also, if you’re using JBoss EAP, this release works atop EAP 6.1.0.GA (rather than Beta as with 3.2). And we have new quickstarts that show how easy it is to use ModeShape when deployed this way (you can also download them from our downloads page). See this discussion post for background on what deploying on top of EAP means for community users.


      The artifacts are in the JBoss Maven repository and on our downloads page. Our getting started guide has instructions, ModeShape 3 documentation and JavaDoc are available, and our code is on GitHub. Join us on our forums orIRC channel to ask questions, and please log any issues in our JIRA.


      Once again, we had a lot of help this release from our community members that reported, fixed issues, and contributed fixes and features! Thanks to the whole community for a job well-done!