2 Replies Latest reply on Jun 11, 2013 2:28 AM by jozzy

    a4j oncomplete not working when the page contains an h:commandlink


      We are using Rich faces 4.3.1 and JSF 2.0. Found a strange issue that when a form/page contains an h:commandLink the oncomplate of an a4j component (commandButton/link) does not trigger.

          <h:form id="toolbar">

                 <a4j:commandButton value="Call vendor" action="#{vendorBean.update}" oncomplete="alert('Working!!!');" />

                 <h:commandLink value="Call Demo" /> 


      Couldn't get this simple piece of code working..the update method is a simple sys out .If i change the h:commandLink to a4j:commandLink everything works just well. Also it would all work if i change the h:commandLink to h:commandButton..

      Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!!!