2 Replies Latest reply on Jun 17, 2013 4:02 AM by crazycradd

    error in ejbStore


      I have a set of tests that check the CRUD operation of my application and I have found a problem when ejbStore is called where the real Exception is not being wrapped and sent back to the client.


      When the test do an instert (ejbCreate) with a Duplicate Name the exception is thrown on the server and is sent back to the client as a RemoteException that contains a TransactionRolledBackException that then contains my exception as expected. In the update test (ejbStore) is called and the DupliacteNameException is thrown but all the client gets is a TransactionRolledBackException with no cause or detail.


      This is a EJB2.1 app that uses BMP



        • 1. Re: error in ejbStore

          Hello Peter,


          I did not understand the issue exactly.

          Do you mean the PKey is a duplicate?

          Is this a migration issue which worked in former releases?

          • 2. Re: error in ejbStore

            The issues is that e have thrown an exception that is not making its way back to the client. If the same exception is thrown during an insert the ejbCreate call performs as expected, the update operation does not work as expected.


            This all works ok in 4.2.3, the insert action did not report the exception in 7.1.0 so it has got better