2 Replies Latest reply on Jun 30, 2013 10:28 AM by zztg16



      I am just moving one of my old project from 3.1.2 to 3.3.0 running under jboss eap 6.1.  In the old 3.1.2 configuration i was using the cache-index-storage tag to define the indexes being written to an infinispan cache, this tag seems to haev been removed, can i store the index in infinispan under 3.3.0 or do I need to store them elsewhere...?


      Kind Regards,



        • 1. Re: cache-index-storage

          We actually removed the ability to store indexes in Infinispan because it performed poorly, would not cluster properly, and had a number of very difficult-to-fix issues. The only case it did work was in local (non-clustered) repositories, but even in that case storing the files on the local file system was significantly faster.


          Apologies for not mentioning that in the release notes or the announcement. That was a oversight on my part.

          • 2. Re: cache-index-storage

            Hi Randall,


            No problem and no need to apologise for anything given the great work you do here.


            Sorry for the delay responding, moved house a couple of days after I posted the message and in true british telecom style it's taken them 10 (working) days to restore my broadband......... :-(


            Kind Regards,

