1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 21, 2013 5:14 PM by bleathem

    Generating Dynamic Value in <rich:fileUpload>


      I want to set the value of doneLabel attribute of rich:fileUpload dynamically,ie one message will be shown for successful upload and another message will be shown for upload failure.I have tried something like this:



                          <rich:fileUpload style="width:412px;"




                                              id="upload" immediateUpload="#{fileUploadController.autoUpload}"


                                               listHeight="182px" doneLabel="#{fileUploadController.uploadDoneLabel}"


                                             <a4j:ajax event="uploadcomplete" render="uplodedFileTable"

                                                oncomplete="if(#{fileUploadController.error}){#{rich:component('errorPopup')}.show();}" />



      where doneLabel is a instance field of fileUploadController bean,the bean is is Session scope.and I have given getter and setter for this field.specified condition like this:



      public void listener(FileUploadEvent event) throws Exception {


      if(item != null ){

      ........ //other codes goes here


      uploadDoneLabel="File Uploaded Successfully";



            uploadDoneLabel="Upload Failed";





      but it is not showing the proper message during uploading,sometime it is showing the default value of doneLabel ie "done".

      can anyone has any solution to this??????

        • 1. Re: Generating Dynamic Value in <rich:fileUpload>

          Are you saying the "doneLabel" is being displayed when the upload results in a failure?  Have you tried setting the "serverErrorLabel"?


          The label's weren't designed to be dynamic, you'll likely have a tough time getting this going.  What about using a rich:message or rich:notify to communicate with the user?