1. Re: Unable to monitor ActiveMQ using custom agent plug-in
arun2arunraj Jun 26, 2013 12:30 AM (in response to nandhakumar)1 of 1 people found this helpfulHi NandhaKumar,
Nandhakumar Gopalakaimal wrote:
Successfully imported the JMX server and I can see the following inventories,
You have imported the wrong resourceType. The ResourceType you have imported is JMX Server (That is not your ActiveMQ).
Nandhakumar Gopalakaimal wrote:
But i can see some entries in the 'ignored resource types' in Administartion - configuration section. I am unable to import this to the inventory.(Screen shot attached -RHQScreenActiveMQ.png).
It seems you have ignored the discovered resource (ActiveMQ ) without knowledge. So Go to Inventory Tab - Select the leftside window Resources in that click Discovery queue. Now select the dropdown bottom as "Ignored" or "New and Ignored" in the bottom of the page. Hit the refresh button. Find the ActiveMQ Server in the Discovery queue, Finally "UNIGNORE" it. Then the resource will be available for your import. Import the resource and have a fun with RHQ.
2. Re: Unable to monitor ActiveMQ using custom agent plug-in
nandhakumar Sep 25, 2013 6:08 AM (in response to arun2arunraj)Thanks Arun, apologies for a late reply, I am currently using Fuse-AMQ plugins to monitor the ActiveMQ, so didn't investigate further on the ActiveMQ custom plug-in.
3. Re: Unable to monitor ActiveMQ using custom agent plug-in
arun2arunraj Sep 26, 2013 1:03 AM (in response to nandhakumar)You are always welcome.
4. Re: Unable to monitor ActiveMQ using custom agent plug-in
nptaras Feb 25, 2015 3:34 AM (in response to arun2arunraj)