1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 27, 2013 12:23 PM by kcbabo

    SOA with RedHat what to choose ? JBoss ESB ? JBoss FUSE ? JBoss  switchyard ?



      can please someone tell me what a product to choose to start developing SOA with RedHat ?

      We have ESB which is not  supporting JBoss EAP 6 (please correct me  if am wrong ) and using old JBoss server... , then JBoss Fuse - it seems like superpowerfull ESB but not based on JBoss server architecture , JBoss switchyard wich is not ESB but looks like SOA oriented and used CDI and new Wildfly server features .

      Which product is reflecting the commercial offer and wich is not ?

      Is JBoss ESB still have a future as product  ?




        • 1. Re: SOA with RedHat what to choose ? JBoss ESB ? JBoss FUSE ? JBoss  switchyard ?

          JBoss ESB is currently and will continue to be supported as part of SOA Platform 5.  For SOA Platform 6, JBoss ESB will be replaced by SwitchYard.  SOA Platform 6 shares many key elements with Fuse, including support for Apache Camel, CXF, and ActiveMQ.  All of these projects will be active on the community front as they are all supported in products offered by Red Hat and will be for some time.


          There were a number of sessions at Red Hat Summit this year which talked about alignment and roadmap for Red Hat integration.  The slides should be available soon here:
