Today I tryed to start a process from the jbpm-console, but I get the following message
404 Not Found - http://localhost:8080/gwt-console-server/rs/form/process/com.sample.evaluation/render"
In the server.log I can just read
11:30:55,102 ERROR [org.jbpm.integration.console.graph.GraphViewerPluginImpl] (http-- Could not get diagram url from Guvnor: null
I did nothing special to corrupt things, everything was working before, I just modifyed a template ftl with small modifications and commited to guvnor, but then I erased it, and the problem is still there.
Any clue?
At the end I was able to restore the situation, deleting everything from guvnor and publishing things again
Anyhow the publication mechanism from guvnor to the jbpm console takes a lot of time until the two things are aligned.
Is there an alternative deployment mechanism, beyond using the guvnor publication tool in eclipse?
Messaggio modificato da diomede illuzzi il28/06/2013