1 2 3 Previous Next 34 Replies Latest reply on Mar 17, 2009 6:10 AM by rhodan76 Go to original post
      • 30. Re: Nested EAR: *.sar wrongly deploys after *.jar

        What about if you migrate your update-service.sar
        from mbeans (-service.xml) to plain pojos (-jboss-beans.xml)?
        This should be easy to do + it will fix the deployment order.
        (although again due to impl detail ~ lack of proper depedendecies)

        • 31. Re: Nested EAR: *.sar wrongly deploys after *.jar

          The deployment order only governs when the MC beans are created, the dependency chain governs the starting order.

          So if your update service uses the datasource directly for updating the schema you want:
          1. LimsUpdateService depends on datasource
          2. persistence unit depends on LimsUpdateService

          The second can be set by specifying the 'jboss.depends' property in persistence.xml:

          <property name="jboss.depends" value="mine:service=LimsUpdateService"/>


          So you really care about the deployment order of update-service.sar and ejb.jar?

          • 32. Re: Nested EAR: *.sar wrongly deploys after *.jar


            "wolfc" wrote:
            The deployment order only governs when the MC beans are created, the dependency chain governs the starting order.

            So if your update service uses the datasource directly for updating the schema you want:
            1. LimsUpdateService depends on datasource
            2. persistence unit depends on LimsUpdateService

            The second can be set by specifying the 'jboss.depends' property in persistence.xml:
            <property name="jboss.depends" value="mine:service=LimsUpdateService"/>


            Thank you, that did the trick of me. Holding deployment of the persistence unit until the update-service has been run is what i need in my case. Didn't know about this property before.

            which in 4.x was implicit/configurable through the order of modules in application.xml or through a module-order in jboss-app.xml. whereas in 5.x its a bit different).

            Where can i read about this changes ? The (new) jboss 5 in Action book states in Chapter 3.1.4 about the "matryoshka" principle and suffix ordering of deployment and even ordering by application.xml - and suffix ordering is defined in org.eclipse.deployment.MainDeployer-xmbean.xml:

             Statically set one or more enhanced suffix orders, independent of the value proposed by subdeployers.
             Some deployers may also allow the suffixes/orders to be set locally, so that's preferable too.
             For reference, this is the list of enhanced suffixes likely to be set by deployers (it may not
             be completely up-to-date, or there can be user-defined deployers).
             Until we resolve some startup issues, we'll setup some static enhanced suffix orders bellow
             and leave the rest of the suffixes contributed dynamically by registering deployers.

            So my question: is the (new) jboss 5 in Action book out-dated in this point or why is the ordering seen in org.eclipse.deployment.MainDeployer-xmbean.xml not honoured in my EAR.

            Ok, defining the dependencies between persistence-unit and update service fixes my problem for now. Nevertheless don't know, if it should had to go with the suffix-ordering-style deployment too.

            • 33. Re: Nested EAR: *.sar wrongly deploys after *.jar


              "Rhodan76" wrote:

              which in 4.x was implicit/configurable through the order of modules in application.xml or through a module-order in jboss-app.xml. whereas in 5.x its a bit different).

              The (new) jboss 5 in Action book states in Chapter 3.1.4 about the "matryoshka" principle and suffix ordering of deployment and even ordering by application.xml - and suffix ordering is defined in org.eclipse.deployment.MainDeployer-xmbean.xml:

              So my question: is the (new) jboss 5 in Action book out-dated in this point

              The book is not outdated. I checked the chapter you mentioned. It does mention about the ordering of nested deployments is controlled by the application.xml module ordering. From what i remember, i think this is how it behaved till some Beta release. But from what i have seen in recent forum posts, the module ordering in application.xml no longer controls the deployment ordering.

              • 34. Re: Nested EAR: *.sar wrongly deploys after *.jar

                Ok, thank you - good to know...but the best would be to know who changed this and why ;-)

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