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1. Re: Is there a way to include the just the PB richfaces extension?
kenfinni Jul 30, 2013 11:02 AM (in response to jpadula35)Joe,
If you want to have the api and impl jars included for you by GateIn, you don't need to set the web.xml context-param to anything, as the default behavior is to add them to a portlet deployment.
As for adding the Richfaces extension, you just need to add that single jar into the WAR. Obviously its a good idea to ensure its the same version as GateIn will add otherwise there could be conflicts.
2. Re: Is there a way to include the just the PB richfaces extension?
jpadula35 Jul 30, 2013 11:32 AM (in response to jpadula35)Thank you Ken. That makes sense.