0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 31, 2013 6:40 PM by cvijayak

    Please help me to Configure Environment for JSF2.0, Richfaces 4 and Tomcat 7.0.29


      Hi Everyone,


      I am trying to run JSF examples,

      I have Java 1.7u25 installed on my machine

      I have Eclipse Kepler on my machine

      and apache-tomcat-7.0.29 installed.


      But i am unable to configure the environment to run JSF 2.0 Framework with RichFaces 4.0 .


      I downloaded many jars but unable to figure it out what to be used and what are the entries to be present in web.xml and faces-config.xml.


      Please help me, I am trying from 5 days.


      I will be very thank ful to you.



      Vijaya Krishna.

