3 Replies Latest reply on Aug 28, 2013 3:22 AM by kpiwko

    How to enable debug messages?


      I've searched the entire internet and do not find the solution to a simple question:

      How do I debug the Arquillian?
      How active log of his Comments?

      If it is too obvious, I apologize.

      thank you

        • 1. Re: How to enable debug messages?

          Using eclipse , i just add breakpoints inside my test class and follow the flow like a normal java app.

          What exactly you want to test?

          • 2. Re: How to enable debug messages?

            I hope to see messages Arquillian his boostrap, which it carries, what files it opens. I'm trying to use the @ CreateSchema, but it does not create the schema and gives no error message, see: http://pastebin.com/8bv1Wavz




            Em português: eu quero ver as mensagens de bootstrap do arquillian, neste caso ai, eu imagino que eu deveria ter um Datasource configurado no arquillian.xml, mas já tentei várias alternativas e ele não cria as tabelas e nem lança erro.




            • 3. Re: How to enable debug messages?

              Hi Samarone,


              the easiest way is to specify -Darquillian.debug=true on command line or you can set this is IDE as JVM arg as well. This will show you events fired and observer by Arquillian.


              Additionally, you can enable debug output by increasing logging level to FINE, FINER or FINEST via Java Util Logging, e.g. you set this system property:

              -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/path/to/loggging.properties. You can get inspired by file content here:


              # Properties file which configures the operation of the JDK
              # logging facility.
              # The system will look for this config file, first using
              # a System property specified at startup:
              # >java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=myLoggingConfigFilePath
              # If this property is not specified, then the config file is
              # retrieved from its default location at:
              # JDK_HOME/jre/lib/logging.properties
              # Global logging properties.
              # ------------------------------------------
              # The set of handlers to be loaded upon startup.
              # Comma-separated list of class names.
              # (? LogManager docs say no comma here, but JDK example has comma.)
              handlers=java.util.logging.FileHandler, java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler
              # Default global logging level.
              # Loggers and Handlers may override this level
              # Loggers
              # ------------------------------------------
              # Loggers are usually attached to packages.
              # Here, the level for each package is specified.
              # The global level is used by default, so levels
              # specified here simply act as an override.
              # Handlers
              # -----------------------------------------
              # --- ConsoleHandler ---
              # Override of global logging level
              # --- FileHandler ---
              # Override of global logging level
              # Naming style for the output file:
              # (The output file is placed in the directory
              # defined by the "user.home" System property.)
              # Limiting size of output file in bytes:
              # Number of output files to cycle through, by appending an
              # integer to the base file name:
              # Style of output (Simple or XML):