1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 19, 2013 5:13 AM by thomas.diesler

    Fresh 7.1.1 and EAP 6.1 taking 100% cpu usage


      Well, I am facing a annoying behavior with these versions in my workstation.


      Both 7.1.1 and EAP 6.1 with nothing deployed, after a few hours of idle time just take all my CPU.

      First I think it's was my application, which is a quartz based WAR. Then, I removed it and just left the MYSQL driver and datasource and same behaviour: 100% taken.

      So new downloads, run then (obviously separately) and after some time, same thing. 100% cpu usage.


      I monitored with JConsole but no clue. The ammount of threads is the same for the whole period. The memory grows and GC collects it. Just fine. But at some point something is going wrong.


      Can you please help me?
