1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 27, 2013 5:49 AM by ataylor

    hornetq jmx notification




      We are using jboss hornetq. We are able to access hornetq mbeans using object name -

      org.hornetq:module=JMS,name="JMXQueue",type=Queue, With JMXUrl able to see all messages in queue using operation -

      "listMessages" or "listMessagesAsJSON". We have added a notification listener to mbean server after connection using jmxurl. But at runtime we get an error saying "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The specified MBean [org.hornetq:module=JMS,type=Queue,name="JMXQueue"] is not a NotificationBroadcaster object.

      Our requirement whenever a message is added to hornetq a notification should be emitted/broadcasted from hornetq mbean "org.hornetq:module=JMS,name="JMXQueue",type=Queue," , it seems this mbean does not extend "NotificationBroadcasterSupport". How do we get this working? Any work around? At present from remote client we need to periodically poll or schedule  and unable to add remotelistener.



        • 1. Re: hornetq jmx notification

          we dont send notifications for what you want, to be honest it wouldn't make sense as it would just kill performance. The jmx objects you are using are, like all mbeans, there just to be queried as and when you want. what is it you are trying to achieve exactly?