1. Re: Deploy portlets for Liferay 6.1.2 running on JBoss 7.2.0
paulo.suderio Sep 9, 2013 9:09 AM (in response to sebastian.sommerfeld)Sebastian,
I've just given up domain with liferay 6. Liferay recommends using standalone configuration with jboss 7 and EAP 6.
The problem is the portlet deploy. I wasn’t able to find a solution without de deployment scanner – and domain mode does not have one. On the other side, liferay 6 no longer have portlet deployment inside de application.
2. Re: Re: Deploy portlets for Liferay 6.1.2 running on JBoss 7.2.0
sebastian.sommerfeld Sep 12, 2013 3:27 AM (in response to paulo.suderio)Hi Paulo
Tanks for your help. I've not given up using domain mode ;-) I changed liferays autodeploy-behavior. Problem with domain mode and deployment is rooted in jboss, not in liferay. So I used liferays deployment scanner and changed the output folder (defaults to jbosses standalone deployment dir). So I can use the files liferay prepares for deployment, package them to war and deploy them to jboss using the normal jboss browser console. Since liferay added all necessary information, it is able to use those deloyed portlets and themes.
Change settings in portal-ext.properties
# Set this to true to enable auto deploy of layout templates, portlets, and
# themes.
# Set the directory to scan for layout templates, portlets, and themes to
# auto deploy.
# Set the directory where auto deployed WARs are copied to. The application
# server or servlet container must know to listen on that directory.
# Different containers have different hot deploy paths. For example, Tomcat
# listens on "${catalina.base}/webapps" whereas JBoss listens on
# "${jboss.home.dir}/deploy". Set a blank directory to automatically use the
# application server specific directory.