0 Replies Latest reply on Sep 11, 2013 11:16 PM by kerler.liu

    Select a wsrp lib (liferay wsrp vs. GateIn wsrp) to integrate with pluto




      I want to make an app based on pluto to consume remote portlet produced by another app based on liferay. The wsrp4j lib used in pluto is quite old and retired, it can not consume remote portlet produced by liferay. And, the first app has customized pluto, so it is not easy to replace pluto with liferay or other portlet framwework.


      So, in pluto, I want to replace the wsrp4j lib with another wsrp implementation. Liferay wsrp vs. GateIn wsrp, which one is easier for integration into another portal/portlet framework?


      I got source code of liferay wsrp from http://svn.liferay.com/repos/public/plugins/branches/6.1.x/portlets/wsrp-portlet/, and source code of GateIn wsrp from https://github.com/gatein/gatein-wsrp. Both of them have dependances on some specific code of the portlet framework, in aspect of data persistance and session handling.


      Would you give me some advice, on the choice, and on the start point of integrating wsrp lib into another portlet framework?


      Thanks a lot.