2 Replies Latest reply on Sep 15, 2013 5:27 AM by davsclaus

    Can I manually trigger a camel route, given it takes no input?


      Given I am running my applications in fuse, and I can see the routes via route-list:


      admin@server1> route-list

      Route Id             Context Name         Status

      [MyServiceRoute   ] [MyServiceCamelContext] [Started           ]


      For testing purposes, is there a way I can trigger this route via the command line? Something like route-start?


      The context is this: My route is usually triggered by the cron component. It takes no input.


      Of course I can build a JMX component which starts it, but sometimes I would just like to start things manually during testing.


      Thanks for any tips

      viking steve.

        • 1. Re: Can I manually trigger a camel route, given it takes no input?



          I believe the camel:route-start shell command should help here


          camel:route-start --help




              Start a Camel route or a group of routes



                  camel:route-start [options] route [context]




                          The Camel route ID or a wildcard expression


                          The Camel context name.




                          Display this help message



          • 2. Re: Can I manually trigger a camel route, given it takes no input?

            You cannot do this from the karaf shell.


            But the web console with hawtio allows you to do that. http://hawt.io/ You can send messages to Camel endpoints. Though forcing a route to trigger from a quartz endpoint is harder as its really only quartz which can do this. If we open up for being able to send a message to any Camel route, then that could also be a little security risk. Though as you say for some kind of DEVELOPER mode it may be desirable to do so easily.