HI ,
I am using Guvnor 5.5 as drools repository running in tomcat6. I have configured using spring in my application and when I use "resource-change-scanner" the action value I am getting as null from the session.
If I comment the "resource-change-scanner" in my drools configuration then I am getting the value after firing the rule, can anyone please provide the expertise help here.
Spring config :
<drools:resource-change-scanner id="s1" interval="60" enabled="true" />
<drools:resource id="cs" type="CHANGE_SET" source="http://localhost:8080/guvnor-5.5/rest/packages/AltAcess/assets/AlternateTest/source" basic-authentication="enabled" username="admin" password="admin" />
<drools:kagent kbase="alternateAccessKb" id="kagent" new-instance="false">
<drools:resource ref="cs" />
Client code :
StatelessKnowledgeSession session = getAltStlessSessionIns(); // Injected from spring
AlternateAccessCode guvnorBean = new AlternateAccessCode();
String surchargeCodecarrierCodeEmpty = guvnorBean.getSurchargeCode();
System.out.println("Value of the Surchargecode From processalternateAccessKbSurchargeCode :- "+surchargeCodecarrierCodeEmpty); ------>>>>>>> This I am getting as null if use resource scanner
My requirement is , when I update the rule in guvnor it should reflect the new value at client side.
Thanks and Regards,
Hi Kishor,
Are you able to get this in your project , I am also facing same issue. Can you sen me sample code
which uses spring+ drools
Thanks and regards
Ganesh Neelekani